2021 Ovid Projects

Riley Crymble, Deucalion and Pyrrha (I. 395-437)

Subby Wolff-Urzua, The Story of Phaethon (II. 64-99)

Josh Coutu, The Story of Phaethon (II. 301-339)

Eva Verner, Minerva and the House of Envy (II. 751-786)

Cate Rosenbaum, Baucis and Philemon (VIII. 684-720)

Dylan Chan, Achelous’s Duel for Deianira (IX. 47-85)

Cole Henrich, Orpheus and Eurydice (X. 1-63)

Sam Denny, The Story of Midas (XI. 100-145)

Niccolo Lena, The Death of Ajax (XIII. 350-392)

Yoska Guta, The Story of Picus (XIV. 340-396)